August 6th to September 13th, 2015
The Newport Playhouse | Newport, RI
Flamingo Court is made up of two short plays all taking place in an apartment building where several retirees live. Angelina, in 104, is a Neil-Simonesque piece where resident Angelina starts to fall for her neighbor Dominic. The only problem is her sick husband in the other room. Surprises abound as their mutual friend tightropes between being matchmaker and keeping each of their secrets.
Harry, in 304, deals with an eighty-nine year-old gentleman who is trying to celebrate his birthday his way; with a hooker. Upon the arrival of his daughter and son-in-law who are trying to get every last penny they can out of their father, Harry has to get even more crafty with his stories.
Written by Luigi Creatore
Directed by Daniel Lee White
Produced by Matt Sirvao & Jonathan Perry
Stage Managers
Olivia M. Sahlin
Meredith Imbimbo
Molly Marks
Sandra Nicastro
Ed Carusi
Rick Bagley
Tony Annicone
W. Richard. Johnson
I also played a small role as Phillip in a soap opera the main character is watching.